About Me
My name is TJ Musumhi. I'm a former member of LTD. In 2016, I was recruited in this business group called LTD-(Leadership Team Development). LTD is owned by Amway Double Diamonds Larry & Pam Winters, & it's based in Raleigh, North Carolina. However, LTD has a giant network spanning outside of North Carolina throughout the United States. I was apart of LTD for six years-(2016 - 2022).
LTD is a training & motivational organization affiliated with the Amway Business-(based in Ada Michigan). Amway is an online business that sells commodities. LTD trains and motivates Amway distributors of Amway to build a successful Amway business.
Throughout my experience of being apart of LTD, I was a victim of a deceptive trade practice. The deceptive trade practice begins as soon as a potential recruit is contacted. LTD taught myself and others in my downline to claim they work with young multi millionaire couples who are free of working a traditional job. The recruit is plugged into one of hundreds of open meetings that take place throughout the entire country. During these meetings, the speaker presents an opportunity to make $3-5k a month as an Amway plantium pin, $250k as an Amway emerald and 500k+ as an Amway diamond.
The issue is the speaker simply presents the Amway plan and makes the prospect believe that the above incomes all come from the Amway corporation. The speaker goes on to deceive the prospect by claiming the business has virtually no risk, and only takes 5-15 hours a week of spare time. Both of these claims are false and most Amway business owners have $1,000-1500 a month of operating expenses and are pressured to purchase over priced Amway products in excess of $1k per month.
During my tenure in LTD, I was never disclosed the LTD Compensation plan. It turns out, there is a LTD Compensation plan for the top Amway leaders in LTD. The Compensation plan begins at the Amway Platinum level, and earnings are higher increasingly beyond the Amway Platinum level. Without my knowledge, LTD was making income off of my LTD subscriptions. Illegally, I was never informed how much money my LTD coaches were making off of me, and I was never taught how the LTD Compensation plan works.
LTD has 9000 active Amway distributers spanning all over the U.S. Each Amway distributer spends $200-250 a month buying tools into the LTD system, along with spending money on quarterly conferences, monthly team meetings, & weekly open meetings. As a whole, I estimate Larry & Pam Winters generate $6 million of annual revenue from LTD. In my six years of business, I was never explained at what pin or what percentage of the tool money I would receive for hitting different levels of the business.
In my experience, the average Amway IBO was working for a Diamond pin, under the false belief the profits would come from Amway, when in reality they were coming from LTD. Larry & Pam Winters never disclosed what the profits were from tool money and never disclosed the LTD compensation plan which is a deceptive trade practice.
The entire Amway business model is a fixed system. Statistically only 2% to 3% of people actually make a profit off of Amway alone based off of 97% to 98% losing money. That is a well known stat on Amway, and the entire MLM industry as a whole. I experianced this myself. I was at a financial loss throughout my entire involvement with both Amway and LTD. A significant amount of my money was going towards my Amway Quota-(Amway Ditto), LTD app subscriptions, LTD Live events, LTD open weekly meetings, LTD monthly meetings, & LTD quarterly conferences. More of my income was being spent towards Amway and LTD expenses, than what I actually recieved back for an ROI.
All in all, throughout my entire time being apart of LTD, I was at a financial loss. Despite being promised wealth and financial freedom, I experianced the quite opposite. I was promised I would become financially independent in five years, through being apart of LTD. Despite all my hard work I did, this promise was never actualized.
I'm not the only one that experiances this. There are thousands of people all over the U.S who have been victims of the deceptive trade practices of LTD. In addition, I was never encouraged to keep an accurate profit loss statement and balance sheet. This is done on purpose as 99% of the Amway Distributers in LTD are financially upside down. It is also come to light that those who are in favor with Larry & Pam Winters are allowed to transfer PV, and combine legs to achieve pins that the average IBO, does not have permission.
Many people still continue to get lured into the LTD deceptive trade practice scheme. There must be a stop towards the manner of how LTD operates before more people in the future get financially harmed. Because of this, I'm filing a class action lawsuit against LTD for being a deceptive trade practice. Below is the list of the names of the people, and my former upline the class action lawsuit will be against.
Goebel Industries - Owned by my former upline sponsor and Platinum named Daniel & Thao Goebel
Huppert Enterprises - Owned by my former upline Platinums named Billy and Dana Huppert
Schwers Legacy Group - Owned by former upline Diamond that faked their Diamondship qualification in 2021 named Kevin & Ameila Schwers
Harris Enterprises Inc. - Owned by my former upline Diamond named Brent & Brenda Harris
Markiewicz International - Owned by my former upline Double Diamond-(who in reality is just a qualified Emerald without the Platinum and above legs they get from China for Joe's IBOAI Chairmanship) Joseph & Marybeth Markiewicz
Winters Marketing - Owned by my former Upline Double Diamond Larry & Pam Winters
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